Friday, April 17, 2009

Obama's Vision is So Bad...

“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” – Japanese Proverb

Call them the New Blues Brothers – struttin’ their stuff along with their band, spreadin’ their own special brand of retro-blues all over this land. Neither all the tea at the tea party nor that elusive fortieth Senate vote appear enough to halt these renegade strangers from a time long ago forgotten. Take heart, kind friends. There may be one thing we can use to begin to chip away at their collectivist armor – humor.

Yes, humor, the same thing we all laughed at during the Clinton years and (admit it) during the W years. Gone are the days when comedians treated the president with at least a little deference. Nope, this drip, drip, drip of negative campaigning among late night comedians has begun already – even for the Grand Exalted One. Why there’s Leno making jokes about Obama’s live-in mother-in-law, Conan having fun with the tax follies of his cabinet appointees and Jimmy Fallon mocking the Barack dipsy-doodle on the extended war in Afghanistan.

But, you know, there’s just one thing wrong with this current brand of funniness – the mouthpieces aim much of it at someone other than the president (they mostly target past-president George W. Bush and the Republicans). And guess who comes out smelling like a rose? Barack himself!

Surprisingly, the bed-time comics, despite all their research, just can’t seem to come up with the Obama equivalent of Bush’s malapropisms (which were sooo horrible) or Clinton’s peccadillo’s (not that they were important or anything). To be effective and enduring, comedy must possess a kernel of truth. For some reason, Leno, Letterman and poor Wanda Sykes just can’t seem to see the warts beyond those Dumbo ears. Alas, love often leaves one so blind…

“Blind?!” Ah, perhaps we should return to the theme of our opening paragraph. Beyond the Charles-like lobes and Ted Baxter-like arrogance lies a truth worth lampooning over and over and over – Barack Obama has no vision. After spending years campaigning as the un-Bush, the new president came into office seeking merely to destroy, not create. What’s sorely missing from his many photo-op speeches is the “City on the Hill” vision of Ronald Reagan or the “Man on the Moon” vision of John F. Kennedy. Nope, Obama seems satisfied to simply reverse the “make the world safe for democracy” vision of George W. Bush. Heck, it looks like he also wants to undo the “it’s all about the economy” credo of Bill Clinton.

Barack Obama has no vision. Or worse, he’s got a really bad vision. I tend to side with the latter.

Hmm, I could see a new stand up success for the first humorist who develops a monologue following this motif…

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…I hear he’s going to submit next year’s budget in Braille.

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…he keeps reminding his mother he’s the first black president.

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…he can’t tell the difference between tea leaves and Astroturf.

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…we went from more hope to hopeless.

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…by “change” he meant what’ll be left of the dollar when his term is over.

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…when he said “hope” he meant he “hoped” we forgot his campaign promises.

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…he didn’t think twice when Michelle asked if the White House had a mother-in-law’s apartment.

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…he gets his tax advice from Tom Daschle, no! Tim Guenthner, no! Kathleen Sebelius, no! Oh, forget it, Democrats don’t needs to pay taxes anyway.

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…he thought change meant freeing Guantanamo terrorists and “terrorizing” returning freedom fighters.

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…he thinks every third world country should have satellite TV, especially North Korea.

Obama’s vision is so bad,…

…he has to ask David Patterson for political advice.

Heh, heh. I could really see somebody going somewhere with this.


  1. I see your point and believe it has legs, but don't give up your day job. Ba-dum-bum!

  2. Wow. Mind-merge. I was bemoaning the loss of real comedy just two days ago. I was also bemoaning the fact that the president of the country I live in, sees me as both so insignificant to not take notice of me, and someone to be watches with great scrutiny as a threat to the security of my country at the same time.

    Odd paradox.


  3. Wesley:

    You think I'd give away my best stuff for free? :)
